Weather Worn – Day XVII – NaPoWriMo 2014

Heavenly downpour
On sinners and saints alike
It falls torrential

Drenching all souls below
In it’s cleansing shower
Till not one stands clean

It pours down heavy
Breaking through the stormy clouds
Upon the dry ground

The winds blowing strong
Rending roots and beams from earth
Tearing lives and limbs

Cooling the dry earth
Making each who stands witness
Tremble with great awe

Great thunder comes with
Sending shocks through the timid
Making them run, hide

This is the power
The wrath of Mother Nature
Or is it her love?

None shall ever know
And none shall ever tame her
Though many may try

She is mystery
She is unpredictable
She is everything

NaPoWriMo – Day VIII – Dreams of Summer

The days are getting longer
The nights thus shorter so
The seasons at last is changing
It’s that Spring we’ve been waiting fo’
The cold winds still are a blowin’
Even though the sun does show
I’m afraid it is mine to say
That blest Summer is still far away

I long for the warm embrace
Of a sun and sky left far behind
Memories of lazy Sundays
Planted firmly in my mind
And once I am done searching
What is that I will find?
The warmth of home and hearth and heart
From which I have been too long apart

Till then I must focus energies
T’wards most enlightened labour
Make this quill upon my hand
Mightier than any saber
And hope the gods will grant me
This one desired favor
Give laurels to take make the waiting proud
And feel victorious when homeward bound

But even in happiness long-awaited
Cruel fate inserts a sadness
To say farewell to friends dear made
Who were there through all the madness
Time it seems flows too fast
Leaving brief interludes of gladness
Once I’ve finally returned to my home
I fear I’ll miss the cold, the wind, the snow


Moving a bit slower
Thinking a bit lower
The sky is a bit grey
And so am I

There’s beauty around
But I can’t see it
The air is a bit hazy
And so am I

The temperature is dropping
The work load is rising
It’s getting a bit colder
And so am I

The days grow shorter
The night grows longer
The world is getting darker
And so am I

Maybe tomorrow the flowers will bloom
Maybe the cold breeze will abate
Maybe the sun will shine
And so will I