The First Frost

Why do we struggle so much
To find something wrong
In a world so beautiful
These were the words that rang through his head

The wind whipped past his ears
The cold snapped upon his knuckles
The frost fell upon his lips
“Beautiful!” he said

His steps upon the white pathways
Hidden soon as he stepped away
Like he had never even been there
Like he had never even tread

Dancing in the lightfall
It sang to him once more
You may not have what you thought you want
But you have this instead

Another reason to smile
To try
To stay
To wed

To a new world
A new life
A new love
Waiting ahead

And in that moment it all melted away
Their words
Her smile
That stare
As he fell upon his bed

Angels with Dirty Faces – Day III – NaPoWriMo 2014

Through dusty fields they fly
Nothing above but the sky
Nothing below but the earth
Nothing ahead but home and hearth

Free and light
Without burden or blight
Without care or chagrin
Without mortal sin

Never hidden nor disguised
Far younger than wise
Bashful, beautiful and true
Like a foal born new

Melting hearts with their smiles
A hand in yours all the while
Held with loving admiration
Free of judging contemplation

Shy and soft spoken
With spirits never broken
They steal my heart
Every time I part

Beauty beyond that seen
Perceived to be unclean
Yet gorgeous in virtue and vision
Free of society’s image prison

They wave goodbye
Bringing tear to eye
Of all creeds and faiths and races
Those angels with dirty faces

A Snowy Encounter: The 2 AM Walk Back Home

The most mesmerizing moments can happen when you least expect them. Last night I got caught in fairly heavy snowfall on the walk back home from my friend’s place (at 2 in the morning!) so I decided instead of cursing my luck to enjoy the beauty and have some fun with it. It truly was the most surreal feeling walking through the falling snow – something straight out of a movie! Walking through the empty streets as they snow danced all around me, catching fresh snow flakes on my tongue, making funny faces on people’s cars ; p